A Step-by-Step Guide to the Jewish Wedding Ceremony

The Jewish wedding ceremony is a rich tapestry of tradition, symbolism, and joy. Each element of the ceremony is imbued with historical and religious significance, reflecting the values and beliefs of the Jewish faith. Whether you are planning your own Jewish wedding or attending one, understanding the steps involved can enhance your appreciation of this beautiful ritual. In this guide, we will walk you through each stage of the Jewish wedding ceremony, from the pre-wedding customs to the final celebrations. Pre-Wedding Customs The Engagement (Tena'im) The journey to a Jewish wedding often begins with the engagement, or "Tena'im." This is an agreement between the families of the bride and groom, traditionally marked by the signing of a document. The Tena'im sets the date for the wedding and outlines mutual responsibilities. In some communities, a plate is broken to symbolize the seriousness of the commitment and the irreversible nature of the agreement. The Mikv...